Anita Nahta Amin
1) Diwali
"Diwali is about celebrating! It honors the Hindu story of Rama. Sikhs, Buddhists, and Jains also celebrate Diwali. To celebrate this Festival of Lights, people light lamps, watch fireworks, and dance. Others might exchange cards and presents. Readers will discover how a shared holiday can have multiple traditions and be celebrated in all sorts of ways"--
In 1872, the Mary Celeste merchant ship set sail from New York, bound for Italy. About a month later, it was spotted adrift in the ocean. The crew had vanished. The ship's charts were found scattered, and crew members' belongings were still onboard. The lifeboat was missing. What happened to the crew? Explore the theories behind the crew's disappearance and why it has become one of history's greatest mysteries.