Matthew Cordell
1) Evergreen
To deliver her mother's delicious soup to her sick Granny Oak, Evergreen the squirrel must face her fears and make the journey, during which she meets other forest dwellers, including some who want to get their hands on her soup!
Appears on these lists
Caldecott Award Winners
Wordless Picture Books for Picture Walks/Libros sin palabras para caminar por las ilustraciones (BBTL)
Wordless Picture Books for Picture Walks/Libros sin palabras para caminar por las ilustraciones (BBTL)
When a wolf cub and little girl are lost in a snowstorm they must find their way home.
9) Bear Island
Louise and her family are sad over the loss of their beloved dog, Charlie. "Life will not be the same," Louise says, as she visits a little island that Charlie loved. But on a visit to the island after Charlie's death, something strange happens: She meets a bear. At first, she's afraid, but soon she realizes that the bear is sad, too. As Louise visits more often, she realizes that getting over loss takes time. And just when she starts to feel better,...
10) Explorers
Appears on list
"When a family goes to a local museum, a boy notices a homeless man sitting outside, making brightly colored origami birds. He convinces his dad to buy a bird the man makes just for him. Once inside the museum, his little sister takes the bird and launches it into the air. Is it lost? Soon another boy helps him look, and the paper bird brings two families--and two new friends--together" --
11) Hello! hello!
A child seeks a way to communicate with parents and a brother who are busy with their electronic devices.
12) Trouble gum
Playing indoors with his little brother on a rainy day, a rambunctious young pig causes a ruckus and then breaks his mother's three chewing gum rules.
13) Another brother
Davy the sheep wishes he had time alone with his parents, as he did before his twelve brothers came along and started imitating his every move, but when his wish comes true Davy misses playing with the youngsters.
14) King Alice
A young girl wakes her father by informing him that she is King Alice, then draws him and other family members into her imaginative activities, from writing a book to a sleepover with fairies.
15) Wish
When an elephant couple decides it is time to have a child, unexpected challenges arise but, at last, the pair's deepest wish comes true.
17) Hope
"Two lions celebrate their grandchild and express all the ways this new life has expanded their world, and the hope they hold for his future"--
18) ¡Hola! ¡Hola!
"Una niña intenta comunicarse con sus padres y su hermano, pero todos están ocupados con sus aparatos electrónicos"--Page [4] of cover.
19) Leeva at last
What are people for? That's the burning question on the mind of Leeva Spayce Thornblossom. Fame! says Leeva's mom, the mayor of Nutsmore. Money! says her dad, the town treasurer. With the help of an orphaned badger, a risk-averse boy in a hazmat suit, and the town's librarians, Leeva sets off to discover her own answer--setting off a chain of events that will change Nutsmore forever.
20) Baby Clown
"When Frieda and Boffo Clown have a baby, everyone in the circus is over the moon. But there is just one problem: Baby Clown won't stop crying! Frieda and Boffo try everything: putting on their silliest faces, driving him around in their tiny car. They even try taking off his red nose and big shoes. But that just makes Baby Clown cry more. Can Frieda and Boffo turn his little clown frown upside down in time for the sold-out show?"--Publisher marketing....