Mike Curato
4) Flamer
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Banned & Challenged Books: YA
Top 10 Most Challenged Books of 2023 | Right to Read Day | National Library Week 2024
YA Pride Month Picks - Comic Books
Top 10 Most Challenged Books of 2023 | Right to Read Day | National Library Week 2024
YA Pride Month Picks - Comic Books
"It's the summer between middle school and high school, and Aiden Navarro is away at camp. Everyone's going through changes--but for Aiden, the stakes feel higher. As he navigates friendships, deals with bullies, and spends time with Elias (a boy he can't stop thinking about), he finds himself on a path of self-discovery and acceptance."--Amazon.
Tiny is having a party, but Bina Bear is nowhere to be found. Is that Bina hiding under a lampshade? It looks like Bina . . . but it must be a lamp. Is that Bina beneath the fruit bowl? It could be . . . but it's probably just a table. Searching for Bina, Tiny realizes something is wrong--and sets out to make it right.
8) Fall friends
Elliot the little elephant and his best friend, Mouse, play hide-and-seek during an autumn vacation in the countryside.
Cuando el raton se dirige a una reunion familiar, el pequeno Elliot decide irse a dar un paseo. Mientras explora cada transitada calle tambien observa familias en todas las formas y tamanos. En una ciudad de millones, el pequeno Elliot se siente muy solo, hasta que descubre que tiene una familia propia.
When Mouse heads off to a family reunion, Little Elliot decides go for a walk. As he explores each busy street, he sees families in all shapes and...
"La gran ciudad representa muchos nuevos retos y experiencias para el pequeño Elliot, el elefantito de lunares de colores. Pero nuestro amigo está a punto de descubrir que las sorpresas más dulces de la vida vienen en envase muy pequeño,"--flap of dust jacket.
Elliot the little elephant has a hard time with a lot of things in the city he loves until he meets Mouse, who is even smaller--and hungrier.
12) What if
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A child who likes to draw and write stories imagines what would happen if there were no pencils, paper, or other tools for being creative.
13) Worm loves Worm
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Two worms in love decide to get married, and with help from Cricket, Beetle, Spider, and the Bees they have everything they need and more, but which one will be the bride and which the groom?
15) If I were a fish
"When Corook is hit with hate on the internet, they and Olivia grab a guitar and dive into the comforting world of what it would be like to be a fish instead. Swimming away from all the negativity out there, together they make the best of a very bad day"--