Paul Gégauff
Divided into 10 days, the story focuses on the wealthy Van Horns. Orson Welles plays the eccentric tycoon who lives in an Alsatian chateau with his young wife and his adopted son, a sculptor given to hallucinatory fits that cause him to fear he has unknowingly committed murder. Of course, wife and son are having a passionate affair and being blackmailed, which sets in dizzying motion the complex plot.
2) Week end
Determined to collect an inheritance from a dying relative, a bourgeois couple travel across the French countryside while civilization crashes and burns around them. Featuring a justly famous centerpiece sequence in which the camera tracks along a seemingly endless traffic jam, and rich with historical and literary references, is a surreally funny and disturbing call for revolution, a depiction of society retreating to savagery, and, according to...