Ian Graham
A satellite is a small object traveling around something bigger. The Moon is a natural satellite of Earth. A spacecraft launched into orbit around Earth is an artificial satellite. Since Sputnik-1, about 6,000 more satellites have been launched by 40 countries. Nearly 4,000 are still in orbit, and about 1,000 of them are still working. Learn about how we use satellites every day without knowing it to talk on the telephone, watch television, use the...
Robots are machines that can be programmed to carry out a series of complex actions automatically or under the control of an operator. They come in all shapes and sizes, from mechanical arms and driverless vehicles to walking, talking, artificial people. Learn about how robots are helping humanity by doing jobs that are too dangerous for people, exploring places that humans cannot reach, and becoming our helpers and companions.
"How would you know what time it was without clocks? How would you buy things without money? It's hard to imagine what life would be like today without the inventions and discoveries that we take for granted, from the humble bar of soap to the fantastic complexity of the Internet. Combining history with science, this series explains how these products of human ingenuity have transformed our world" --