Kenneth Grahame
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When Mole decides he has had enough tiresome spring-cleaning for one day, the scrappy nonesuch throws down his broom and bolts out of his house looking for fun and adventure. He quickly finds it in the form of the Water Rat, who takes the wide-eyed Mole boating and introduces him to the mysteries of life on the river and in the Wild Wood. Mole also meets Ratty's good friends: the kindly, solid Badger and the irrepressible Toad. Soon, the quartet's...
4) Dragon Tales
Tradition says that dragons come in many shapes and sizes but they all breathe fire, whisk fierce, scaly tails and frighten local villagers. Whenever they can, they capture princesses and take them to their caves. But this is not always the case. In these four stories, the authors introduce some very different kinds of dragons. One, for example, just wants to sit quietly in his cave and write poetry and really doesn't want to fight St. George; in...
In addition to remarkable notes on automobiles (Toad drove an Armstrong Hardcastle Special Eight), picnics, Gypsies, caravans, old English mansions, peculiar dukes, and even modern manifestations (Disney's "Mr. Toad's Wild Ride"), scholar Annie Gauger has uncovered extraordinary new material on Kenneth Grahame, his troubled family life, and the origins of the story. Her preface puts Grahame's work in historical and literary context, and she provides...