Shannon Hale
From bestselling and award-winning Itty-Bitty Kitty-Corn creators, author Shannon Hale and illustrator LeUyen Pham, Things That Go is an original concept board book showing young Kitty-Corns things that race, fly, pedal, paddle, and go.
Teeny-tiny mini-moo
Kitty-corns will read with you.
Pitter-patter fast and slow
let's explore some things that go!
From sports cars to bumper cars, skateboards to hoverboards, submarines to trampolines, and...
"First, a spaceship bearing Tamaranean markings crash-lands on Earth, and Starfire goes on a solo mission to uncover its origins. But what awaits her on that journey will bring her back to the earliest days of her youth, to memories of two sisters eternally at war...and perhaps the chance to keep history from repeating itself. Then, when Raven comes to the aid of a woman in over her head with the Church of Blood, she'll have to face a terrible reminder...