Nathaniel Hawthorne
Overnight, Reverend Hooper has taken to wearing a translucent, but dark veil. Believing the veil to be symbolic of his sin, Hooper refuses to remove it, and wears it throughout the rest of his life.
Like the majority of Hawthorne's stories, "The Minister's Black Veil" is an allegorical criticism of Puritan beliefs. Hawthorne may have been inspired by clergyman Joseph Moody, who accidentally killed his friend and, in response, wore a black
...Nathaniel Hawthorne masterfully grabs the imagination of children with these timeless tales of adventure based on the incomparable Greek mythological heroes' escapades. Children will enter a world of magic and intrigue as they face ferocious beasts, clever enchantresses, and tricky gods, alongside the greatest heroes of all time. Will Theseus escape from the maze that is guarded by the awful Minotaur? Can Jason steal the Golden Fleece from under
...Hester's husband had been lost at sea years earlier and was presumed dead, but he reappears in time to witness Hester's humiliation on the town scaffold. Upon discovering her deed,...