Holly Jackson
"A character-driven narrative history about the nineteenth-century radicals--from Fanny Wright and Henry David Thoreau to John Brown and William Lloyd Garrison--who demanded that the United States live up to its revolutionary ideals, and what their successes and failures can teach us today"--
After solving the murder case together, Ravi Singh helped Pip create a podcast that soon went viral, but they both swear off sleuthing. When Jamie Reynolds goes missing on the sixth anniversary of the deaths of Andie Bell and Sal Singh, however, Pip feels it's too big of a coincidence to ignore. With the spotlight on her, can she still follow the clues and uncover even more sinister depths to her hometown?
6) Kill joy
"Pip is not in the mood for her friend's murder mystery party. Especially one that involves 1920s fancy dress and pretending that their town is an island called Joy. But when the game begins, Pip finds herself drawn into the make-believe world of intrigue, deception and murder. But as Pip plays detective, teasing out the identity of the killer clue-by-clue, the murder of the fictional Reginald Remy isn't the only case on her mind."--
7) Five survive
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"Red Kenny is on a road trip for spring break with five friends: Her best friend - the older brother - his perfect girlfriend - a secret crush - a classmate - and a killer. When their RV breaks down in the middle of nowhere with no cell service, they soon realize this is no accident. They have been trapped by someone out there in the dark, someone who clearly wants one of them dead. With eight hours until dawn, the six friends must escape, or figure...
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Pippa no quiere dedicarse a la investigación: el precio a pagar es demasiado alto. Después de resolver el asesinato de Andie Bell, Pippa decidió cerrar esa etapa para siempre. Y, aunque el pódcast que grabó con Ravi sobre el caso se ha hecho viral, insiste en que sus días de detective quedaron atrás...O eso es lo que ella cree. Porque cuando Jamie Reynolds desaparece y la policía no logra encontrarlo, a Pippa no le queda más remedio...
"Hace cinco años, la estudiante Andie Bell fue asesinada por Sal Singh. La policía sabe que fue él. Sus compañeros también. Todo el mundo lo sabe. Pero Pippa creció en la misma ciudad que ha sido consumido por este crimen y para ella no es tan claro... Decidida a desenterrar la verdad, Pippa convierte la investigación de este asesinato en el tema de su proyecto de final de clase. Poco a poco, empezará a descubrir un montón de secretos...
10) Five survive
"Red Kenny is on a road trip for spring break with five friends: Her best friend - the older brother - his perfect girlfriend - a secret crush - a classmate - and a killer. When their RV breaks down in the middle of nowhere with no cell service, they soon realize this is no accident. They have been trapped by someone out there in the dark, someone who clearly wants one of them dead. With eight hours until dawn, the six friends must escape, or figure...
Pip está atormentada por los dos casos de asesinato que resolvió, por las víctimas, por la atención que atrajo su podcast sobre crímenes y por los sobrevivientes, lo cual ya es bastante malo. Pero entonces, empieza a sentir como si alguien la estuviera mirando.
Pippa Fitz-Amobi is haunted by the two murder cases she solved, by the victims, by the attention her crime podcast garnered, and by the survivors, which is bad enough. But then,...