Amanda Joy
Appears on these lists
Awesome YA Books by Black Authors
Black History Month: 2022-2024 YA
Summer Reading Committee's Recommended Reads
Black History Month: 2022-2024 YA
Summer Reading Committee's Recommended Reads
Featuring exclusively Black characters, this multi-genre story collection--drawing from contemporary, historical, fantasy, sci-fi, magical and realistic--celebrates and redfines the many facets of Blackness and geekiness, both in the real world and those imagined.
An exciting fiction YA anthology that celebrates the new experiences and final moments teenagers face on their journey into adulthood from editor Laura Silverman and a cast of spectacular contributors.
From first breakups and romantic vampire encounters to last band performances and the deadly end of a friendship, Firsts and Lasts is an anthology that is just as unpredictable as being a teenager. While each of these stories span different...
From first breakups and romantic vampire encounters to last band performances and the deadly end of a friendship, Firsts and Lasts is an anthology that is just as unpredictable as being a teenager. While each of these stories span different...
A charming and inclusive YA anthology all about games--from athletic sports to board games to virtual reality--from editor Laura Silverman and an all-star cast of contributors. From the slightly fantastical to the utterly real, light and sweet romance to tales tinged with horror and thrills, Game On is an anthology that spans genre and style. But beneath each story is a loving ode to competition and games perfect for anyone who has ever played a sport...