Lorimar Productions.
4) Sybil
A landmark, classic drama depicting the extraordinary real life of a young woman suffering from multiple personality disorder. Includes the full 3-hour broadcast version, along with over an hour of new exclusive special features.
In AN OFFICER AND A GENTLEMAN, loner Zack Mayo (Richard Gere) enters Officer Candidate School to become a Navy pilot and in thirteen tortuous weeks he learns the importance of discipline, love and friendship. Winner of Best Actor in a Supporting Role (Louis Gossett Jr.) and nominated for Best Actress in a Leading Role (Debra Winger) and Best Original Screenplay at the **Academy Awards**. Winner of Best Actor in a Supporting Role - Motion Picture (Louis...
15) Being there
"In one of his most finely tuned performances, Peter Sellers plays the pure-hearted, childlike Chance, a gardener who is forced into the wilds of Washington, D.C., when his wealthy guardian dies. Shocked to discover that the real world doesn't respond to the click of a remote, Chance stumbles into celebrity after being taken under the wing of a tycoon (Melvyn Douglas, in an Oscar-winning performance), who mistakes his protégé's horticultural mumblings...
Olivia returns home, her health restored. Ben and Cindy welcome another Walton into the world. Cousin Rose and her grandchildren fill empty rooms in the Walton home. Mary Ellen and Erin challenge scoffing men in a horse race. Jim-Bob graduates from high school and makes a decision that fills the family with profound pride.