Stephenie Meyer
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Vampires, Wolves and High School, Oh My! Teen Paranormal Romance
YA Novels in English and in Spanish/Novelas para jovenes en inglés y español
YA Romance: Classics
YA Novels in English and in Spanish/Novelas para jovenes en inglés y español
YA Romance: Classics
When seventeen-year-old Bella leaves Phoenix to live with her father in Forks, Washington, she meets an exquisitely handsome boy at school for whom she feels an overwhelming attraction and who she comes to realize is not wholly human.
2) New moon
When the Cullens, including her beloved Edward, leave Forks rather than risk revealing that they are vampires, it is almost too much for eighteen-year-old Bella to bear, but she finds solace in her friend Jacob until he is drawn into a "cult" and changes in terrible ways.
3) Eclipse
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Bella must choose between her friendship with Jacob and her relationship with Edward, both vampires, but when Seattle is ravaged by a mysterious string of killings, the three of them need to decide whether their personal lives are more important than the well-being of an entire city.
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She used to work for the U.S. government, one of the darkest secrets of an agency so clandestine it doesn't even have a name. And when they decided she was a liability, they came without warning, and they killed the only other person she trusted. When her former handler offers her a way out, it is her only chance to erase the giant target on her back. But the information she acquires only makes her situation more dangerous. And now she finds herself...
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The earth has been invaded by a species that take over the minds of their human hosts while leaving their bodies intact, and most of humanity has succumbed. But Melanie Stryder refuses to fade away. Wanderer, the invading "soul" who has been given Melanie's body, knew about the challenges of living inside a human: the overwhelming emotions, the too vivid memories. But there was one difficulty Wanderer didn't expect: the former tenant of her body refusing...
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Collects the novel in which Bella, moving in with her father, meets a boy at school for whom she feels an overwhelming attraction and who she comes to realize is not human, and a full-length reimagining of the original story.
"Celebrate the tenth anniversary of Twilight with this special double-feature book! This new edition pairs the classic love story with Stephenie Meyer's bold and surprising reimagining of the complete novel with the characters'...
You know Bella and Edward, now get to know Beau and Edythe. When Beaufort Swan moves to the gloomy town of Forks and meets the mysterious, alluring Edythe Cullen, his life takes a thrilling and terrifying turn. With her porcelain skin, golden eyes, mesmerizing voice, and supernatural gifts, Edythe is both irresistible and enigmatic. What Beau doesn't realize is the closer he gets to her, the more he is putting himself and those around him at risk....
10) Midnight sun
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It's here! #1 bestselling author Stephenie Meyer makes a triumphant return to the world of Twilight with this highly anticipated companion: the iconic love story of Bella and Edward told from the vampire's point of view. When Edward Cullen and Bella Swan met in Twilight, an iconic love story was born. But until now, fans have heard only Bella's side of the story. At last, readers can experience Edward's version in the long-awaited companion novel,...
11) Crepúsculo
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Literatura Juvenil en Español
YA Novels in English and in Spanish/Novelas para jovenes en inglés y español
YA Novels in English and in Spanish/Novelas para jovenes en inglés y español
Hay tres cosas de las que estoy completamente segura. Primera, Edward es un vampiro. Segunda, una parte de él se muere por beber mi sangre. Y tercera, estoy total y perdidamente enamorada de él.
Número 1 en la lista de bestsellers de The New York Times y de USA Today. Mejor Novela Young Adult de Todos los Tiempos por la revista Time.
La Saga Crepúsculo, en la que se incluyen los títulos Crepúsculo, Luna nueva, Eclipse y Amanecer, ha vendido...
This stunning set, complete with all four books, makes the perfect gift for fans of the bestselling vampire love story.
Deeply romantic and extraordinarily suspenseful, Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn capture the struggle between defying our instincts and satisfying our desires.
Deeply romantic and extraordinarily suspenseful, Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn capture the struggle between defying our instincts and satisfying our desires.
15) Amanecer
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Although eighteen-year-old Bella joins the dark but seductive world of the immortals by marrying Edward the vampire, her connection to the powerful werewolf Jacob remains unsevered.
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Cuando Edward Cullen y Bella Swan se conocieron en Crepúsculo, nació una historia de amor icónica. Pero hasta ahora, sus fans solo conocen la historia a través de Bella. Por fin los lectores podrán vivir la versión de Edward en la muy esperada novela Sol de medianoche. La inolvidable historia, contada a través de los ojos de Edward, toma un cariz nuevo y definitivamente oscuro. Conocer a Bella es lo más perturbador e intrigante que...
18) Eclipse
Bella debe elegir entre su amistad con el hombre lobo Jacob y su relación con el vampiro Edward, pero al ser Seattle devastada por una serie misteriosa de matanzas, los tres tienen que decidir si sus vidas personales son más importantes que el bienestar de una ciudad entera.
19) Huésped
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Es el fin del mundo tal y como lo conocíamos... Los mayores miedos de la humanidad han saltado de la ficción a la realidad. Wanderer es una alienígena invasora de cuerpos y ha llegado a la Tierra junto con otras "almas" para cumplir con su misión. Pero su anfitriona, Melanie Stryder, se resiste a abandonar su cuerpo sin oponer resistencia. Dos seres de dos especies diferentes que comparten un mismo cuerpo pero por desgracia para ellas también...
"Having uncovered the dark secret of her enigmatic classmate, Edward Cullen, Bella Swan embraces her feelings for him, trusting Edward to keep her safe despite the risks. When a rival clan of vampires makes its way into Forks, though, the danger to Bella has never been more real. Will she make the ultimate sacrifice to protect the people dearest to her?"