Ryan O'Rourke
"From the boiler to the coupling, build a steam train along with an engineer and her workers"--
Let's build a little train to chug along the track that goes from here to there and circles round and back! Simple rhyming text explains the parts of a steam train, and how one works. -- adapted from jacket and perusal of book
Write! Write! Write! is a poetry collection that explores every stage and every aspect of the writing process, from learning the alphabet to the thrilling moment of writing a thought for the first time, from writer's block to finding inspiration, and from revision to stapling your finished work into a book. These poems also celebrate how writing teaches patience, helps express opinions, and allows us to imagine the impossible. This book, brimming...
"Twenty-three poems capture the joys of reading from that thrilling moment when a child first learns to decipher words to the excitement that follows in reading everything from road signs to field guides to internet articles to stories. These poems also explore what reading does, lyrically celebrating how it opens minds, can make you kind, and allows you to explore the whole world. Ryan O'Rourke's rich artwork beautifully captures the imagination...