Adam Rex
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Frederick Douglass Elementary is a brand-new school, and the school feels just as nervous on its first day as the rest of the children do. During the day, the school meets lots of new kids, teachers, and a kind janitor who helps the school stay clean and happy.
3) Unstoppable!
When a bird and a crab team up to combine the advantages of flight and claws, it gives them an idea: why not expand the team to include other animals who have a special trait--and soon they all set out to rescue their lake from development, because united together they are unstoppable.
8) Why?
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Would-be supervillain Doctor X-Ray swoops into the mall, threatening destruction, only to be confronted by a little girl asking "why" to his every declaration, until finally he is forced to reveal, and understand, the root of his anger--and so departs in peace.
14) Cold cereal
A boy who may be part changeling, twins involved in a bizarre secret experiment, and a clurichaun in a red tracksuit try to save the world from an evil cereal company whose ultimate goal is world domination.
17) Moonday
When the Moon disrupts a town by lowering itself into someone's backyard, a child finds a way to return the Moon to its proper place in the sky.
When we last left our kid heroes, Emily had managed to halt Queen Titania's fairy invasion by closing a rift in the time-space continuum, thereby trapping Scott, Mick, and her other friends in the magical other-England known as Pretannica. But time is quickly running out before Nimue, who has been working with the corrupt Goodco Cereal Company, finds another portal and uses it to bring the mythical dragon Saxbriton into our world -- and launch the...