Sendy Santamaria
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Picture Books for Hispanic Heritage Month 2023
Picture Books in Both English and Spanish/Libros ilustrados en ingles y español
Picture Books in Both English and Spanish/Libros ilustrados en ingles y español
Yenebi, her sister Melanie, and mom drive to school every morning across the US-Mexico border.
Dreamers meets School's First Day of School in this vibrant story that puts a whole new spin on one loving family's morning drive to school. Every morning, I'm up at four o'clock. I brush my teeth, get dressed, and drag my sister Melanie to the car where Mami's waiting for us. ¡Se nos va hacer tarde! ¡Apurarse! For the next two hours, we'll be in the car driving-past tamale vendors (my favorite part), through la linea (my least favorite part), and...