Margaret Sartor
The New York Times bestselling portrait of American adolescence.
Margaret Sartor, a fiercely determined girl from rural Louisiana, who is equal parts "Holden Caulfield and Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm" (Atlanta Journal Constitution), presents a poignant portrait of American life during the 1970s. Crafted from diaries, notebooks, and letters, this deeply personal yet universally appealing story moves with ease between the seemingly...
Margaret Sartor, a fiercely determined girl from rural Louisiana, who is equal parts "Holden Caulfield and Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm" (Atlanta Journal Constitution), presents a poignant portrait of American life during the 1970s. Crafted from diaries, notebooks, and letters, this deeply personal yet universally appealing story moves with ease between the seemingly...
"... Approximately 100 images, some single and some multiple portraits, edited from the almost 800 large-format glass-plate negatives and thousands of individual portraits made by Durham-born and self-taught photographer Hugh Mangum and currently housed at Duke University's Rubenstein Special Collections library" --