Whitley Strieber
1) The hunger
Eternal youth is a wonderful thing for the few who have it, but for Miriam Blaylock, it is a curse -- an existence marred by death and sorrow. Because for the everlasting Miriam, everyone she loves withers and dies. Now, haunted by signs of her adoring husband's imminent demise, Miriam sets out in serach of a new partner, one who can quench her thirst for love and withstand the test of time. She finds it in the beautiful Sarah Roberts, a brilliant
...2) The Wild
Bob Duke dreamed of becoming a wolf. Of running free on four strong legs. Howling. Stalking. Living with nature, in nature.
Then his dream came true — and threatened to become a nightmare.
Bob's wife and son vow to restore his humanity. But even if then can find him — a man-wolf loose in the concrete forests of Manhattan — will he even want to become human again?
Once set free, no cage
...3) Warday
Five years after a "limited" nuclear war, two survivors journey across America. They — and you — will discover what is left of our way of life: the depth of the devastation — and the hopes of a new society desperately struggling to be born.
From Edward Kennedy to Playboy magazine, readers have praised Warday as an absorbing, suspenseful novel — and an important book for every American to read.
"A first-rate novel,
...4) Hybrids
They would think like aliens, but appear human, and be able to do something that full-blooded aliens can't: walk the earth freely.
In Hybrids, Whitley Strieber unleashes his unparalleled skills as a thriller...
In Critical Mass, Whitley Strieber explores this unthinkable but real possibility in a furious story...
December 21, 2012, may be one of the most watched dates in history. Every 26,000 years, Earth lines up with the exact center of our galaxy. At 11:11 on December 21, 2012, this event happens again, and the ancient Maya calculated that it would mark the end of not only this age but also human consciousness as we know it. But what will actually happen? The end of the world? A new age for mankind? Nothing? The last time this happened, Cro-Magnon man
...Rather than merely document the anomalous, these authors—one the man who popularized alien abduction and the other a renowned scholar—deliver a fast-paced and exhilarating study of why the supernatural is neither fantasy nor fiction but a vital and authentic aspect of life.
Their suggestion?...
9) The Grays
We are not alone. Millions of people are confronting aliens that authorities say do not exist.
Meet the Three Thieves, a group of Grays assigned to duty in a small Kentucky town. They have been preparing a child for generations. Innocent Conner Callaghan will face the ultimate terror as he struggles to understand who he has been bred to be, and what he must do to save humanity. Colonel Michael Morax strives to keep the secret of the Grays from
12) The Observers
13) Wolfen
14) The hunger
An original anthology celebrating Rod Serling's landmark television series
When it first aired in 1959, The Twilight Zone was nothing less than groundbreaking television. Freed from much of the censors' strict oversight because of the show's classification as "science fiction," the 156 filmed episodes explored powerful and moving human themes—love, hate, pride, jealousy, terror—in their own unique style.The show has since inspired