Mélanie Watt
A bug flies through an open door into a house, through a bathroom, across a kitchen and bedroom and into a living room ... where its entire life changes with the switch of a button. Sucked into the void of a vacuum bag, this one little bug moves through denial, bargaining, anger, despair and eventually acceptance -- the five stages of grief -- as it comes to terms with its fate. Will there be a light at the end of the tunnel? Will there be dust bunnies...
Scaredy Squirrel is exactly the character children need today—a little bit anxious, a lot adorable, and totally lovable. They will laugh along in this new picture book as Scaredy learns to brave the doctor for his regular check-up!
Scaredy exercises, eats healthy foods, and stays very, very safe. But even healthy squirrels need to get a regular check up! Going to the vet can be scaaary, especially if you're Scaredy.
As young...
Scaredy exercises, eats healthy foods, and stays very, very safe. But even healthy squirrels need to get a regular check up! Going to the vet can be scaaary, especially if you're Scaredy.
As young...
"Fa la la LOTS to do! Scaredy is getting ready for the holiday season! Sure, it is a lot for one squirrel to handle--the planning, the decorating, the wrapping, and, of course, being an outstanding host! Luckily, Scaredy has his friends to remind him of the greatest gift of all--celebrating with your loved ones!"--Amazon.com.
"La scurit avant tout. C'est la devise de Frisson l' cureuil. Apr s tout, il y a tant de cr atures dangereuses qu'il n'aimerait pas rencontrer comme des mammouths, des chats, des pics et bien d'autres C'est pourquoi il doit prot ger son arbre co te que co te. Lorsqu'un malheureux v nement fait tomber tous ses glands, il doit prendre une d cision: rester cach ou s'aventurer dans des contr es inconnues. Frisson est de retour dans une nouvelle aventure...
Scaredy Squirrel: Scaredy Squirrel never leaves his nut tree, until one day, his worst nightmares come true. Scaredy Squirrel suddenly finds himself out of his tree. As he leaps into the unknown, he discovers something really surprising about himself.
Scaredy Squirrel makes a friend: Scaredy Squirrel is afraid to make a friend. After all, they can bite. When he decides the perfect friend would be a goldfish (no teeth), his plan takes a surprising...
19) Scaredy squirrel
Scaredy Squirrel never leaves his house because he is afraid of everything, until one day when he discovers he is really a flying squirrel and everything changes.
Scaredy never sleeps - sleep might mean bad dreams about dragons, ghosts, vampire bats and polka-dot monsters. So he has a plan to stay awake all night and just in case he does nod off - a Bad Dream Action Plan! Scaredy Squirrel at Night tackles a fear everyone - especially the young - can relate to - what really happens in the dark.