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Children's and Middle Grade Novels in Spanish and English/Novelas juveniles en español e inglés
Nashville Reads 2024 | The Works of Jason Reynolds
Nashville Reads 2024 | The Works of Jason Reynolds
Portico Reeves' secret identity as Stuntboy allows him to use his superpower to keep everybody safe, but when his superhero parents start fighting a lot he feels the responsibility to save them.
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Portico Reeves, known as Stuntboy, the greatest superhero most people have never heard of, the guy who takes the leaps and falls and does the stunts to save the other superheroes people have heard of, has failed to make the one save that matters the most to him--prevent his parents from becoming Xs. Talking about his parents' divorce gives Portico what he calls "the frets," and only hanging out with his super friends Zola and Herbert--who used to...