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Tales for little rebels: a collection of radical children's literature
New York University Press
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American literature
American literature -- 20th century
Children's literature, American
Children's literature, American -- Political aspects
Children's literature, American -- Social aspects
Children and politics
Children and politics -- Literary collections
Political aspects
Politics and literature
Politics and literature -- United States -- History -- 20th century
Radicalism in literature
Social aspects
American literature -- 20th century
Children's literature, American
Children's literature, American -- Political aspects
Children's literature, American -- Social aspects
Children and politics
Children and politics -- Literary collections
Political aspects
Politics and literature
Politics and literature -- United States -- History -- 20th century
Radicalism in literature
Social aspects
Table of Contents
From the Book
Foreword: The twists and turns of radical children's literature / Jack Zipes --
Introduction / Julia Mickenberg, Philip Nel --
R is for rebel. Excerpt from The Socialist primer : a book of first lessons for the little ones in words of one syllable (1908) / written by Nicholas Klein, illistrated by Ryan Walker --
Excerpt form The Socialist primer (1930) / Art Young --
Selections from "Pioneer Mother Goose" (1934) / written by Ned Donn, illustrated by Bill Gropper (William Gropper) --
"ABC for Martin" from Martin's annual (1935) / M. Boland --
Excerpts from The Black BC's (1970) / written by Lucille Clifton, illustrated by Don Miller --
Subversive science and dramas of ecology. Excerpt from Nature talks on economics (1912) / Caroline Nelson --
Excerpts from Science and history for girls and boys (1932) / William Montgomery Brown --
"Races of mankind," from Climbing our family tree (1945) / Alex Novikoff, illustrated by John English --
Day they parachuted cats on Borneo : a drama of ecology (1971) / written by Charlotte Pomerantz, scenery by Jose Aruego --
Red ribbons for Emma (1981) / written by New Mexico People & Energy Collective: Deb Preusch, Tom Barry, Beth Wood --
Work, workers, and money. "Sharecroppers" (1937) / written by Langston Hughes, illustrated by Fred Ellis --
Excerpt from Johnny get your money's worth (and Jane too) / written by Ruth Brindze, illustrated by Emery I. Gondor --
Story of your coat (1946) / written by Clara Hollos, illustrated by Herbert Kruckman --
Little tailor (1955) / William Gropper --
Girls can be anything (1973) / written by Norma Klein, illustrated by Roy Doty --
Organize. "Happy valley," from The child's Socialist reader (1907) / illustrated by Walter Crane --
"Battle in the barnyard," from Battle in the barnyard : stories and pictures for Worker's children (1932) / written by Helen Kay, illustrated by Juanita Preval --
"Pickets and slippery sticks," from New pioneer story book (1935) / written by Myra Page, illustrated by Lydia Gibson --
"Beavers" (1936) / written by Oscar Saul, Lou Lantz, illustrated by Jack Herman --
"Mary stays after school or, What this union is about" (1939) / Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America --
Mr. His : a children's story for anybody (1939) / A. Redfield (Syd Hoff) --
Oscar the ostrich (1940) / written by Jerome Schwartz (Jerome Lawrence), illustrated by Mark David --
"Doria Ramirez," from Small hands, big hands : seven profiles of Chicano migrant workers and their families (1970) / Sandra Weiner --
Imagine. "Why?" from Fairy tales for worker's children (1925) / written by Herminia Zur Mühlen, translated by Ida Dailes, illustrated by Lydia Gibson --
Excerpt from Funnybone alley (1927) / written by Alfred Kreymborg, illustrated by Boris Artzybasheff --
Teacup whale (1934) / Lydia Gibson --
Geyt a hindele ken Bronzvil (A little hen goes to Brownsville) (1937) / written by Yehoshua Kaminski, illustrated by Not Koslowsky, translated by Friso Henstra --
History and heroes. "American history retold in pictures" (1931) / written by Jack Hardy, illustrated by William Siegel --
Excerpt form North star shining : a pictorial history of the American Negro (1947) / written by Hildegarde Hoyt Swift, illustrated by Lynd Ward --
"Stories for children," from Freedom (1950-1955) / written by Linda Lewis, Elsie Robins ... [et al.] --
"Lucretia Mott," from Independent Voices (1968) / written by Eve Merriam --
"High John the conqueror," from Black folktales / written by Julius Lester, illustrated by Tom Feelings --
Person's a person. Little boy in a big city," from The first book of Negroes (1952) / written by Langston Hughes, illustrated by Ursula Koering --
"Sneetches" (1953) / Dr. Seuss --
"Who stole the tarts?" from The Pogo stepmother goose (1954) / written by Lewis Carroll, adapted and illustrated by Walt Kelly --
X : a fabulous child's story (1978) / written by Lois Gould, illustrated by Jacqueline Chwast --
"Princess who stood on her own two feet," from Stories for free children (1982) / written by Jeanne Desy, illustrated by Leslie Udry --
Excerpts from Elizabeth : a Puerto Rican-American child tells her story (1974) / Joe Molnar --
Peace. "Buster Brown plays David and Goliath," from Buster Brown goes shooting and other stories (1907) / R.F. Outcault --
"How two sweetheart dippies sat in the moonlight on a lumber yard fence and heard about the Sooners and the Boomers," from Rootabaga pigeons (1923) / written by Carl Sandburg, illustrated by Maud Petersham, Miska Petersham --
In Henry's backyard : the races of mankind (1948) / written by Ruth Benedict, Gene Weltfish, illustrated by United Productions of America --
Three promises to you (1957) / Munro Leaf --
Excerpt from Come with me : poems, guessing poems, and dance poems for young people (1963) / written by Edith Segal, illustrated by Samuel Kamen.
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