When Alma Sofia Esperanza José Pura Candela asks her father why she has so many names, she hears the story of her name and learns about her grandparents.
Simple text reveals the anticipation of a boy who, having planted seeds while everything around is brown, fears that something has gone wrong until, at last, the world turns green.
"Después de un invierno lleno de nieve, un niño y su perro deciden que ya es suficiente de ese color castaño que se ha quedado en el paisaje y deciden resolverlo haciendo un jardín. Cavan, plantan, juegan, arreglan, esperan... y esperan, y esperan... hasta que por fin, el marrón cambia a un tono más alegre, señal de que la primavera está en camino."--Publisher's website.
Simple text reveals the anticipation of a boy who, having planted seeds...
Advises the reader about what to do, and not do, in order to successfully spot a whale, such as wrapping up in a not-too-cozy blanket, ignoring the roses, and especially, being patient.
Advises the reader about what to do, and not do, in order to successfully spot a whale, such as wrapping up in a not-too-cozy blanket, ignoring the roses, and especially, being patient.
"Lola was just a baby when her family left the Island, so when she has to draw it for a school assignment, she asks her family, friends, and neighbors about their memories of her homeland ... and in the process, comes up with a new way of understanding her own heritage"--
Goodnight to each of the objects in the great green room: goodnight chairs, goodnight comb, goodnight air. Includes a retrospective on the careers of Brown and Hurd as well as details of the publication and success of Goodnight moon.
Although a classmate says that she cannot play Peter Pan in the school play because she is black, Grace discovers that she can do anything she sets her mind to do.
Although a classmate says that she cannot play Peter Pan in the school play because she is black, Grace discovers that she can do anything she sets her mind to do.