Catalog Search Results
1) The waves
"The Waves is considered Woolf's most experimental work, and consists of soliloquies spoken by the book's six characters: Bernard, Susan, Rhoda, Neville, Jinny, and Louis. Also important is Percival, the seventh character, though readers never hear him speak in his own voice. The soliloquies that span the characters' lives are broken up by nine brief third-person interludes detailing a coastal scene at varying stages in a day from sunrise to sunset....
2) Marianela
Una nueva historia del maestro Galdós que nos lleva de la mano a través de una trágica historia de corte romántico retratando con excelencia la pasión de las relaciones entre seres dispares con quienes el destino juega a su antojo. Una extraordinaria historia de valores universales y atemporales que conmueve y emociona.
3) Pinocho
- Este audiolibro está narrado en Español neutral. Debido a la soledad y de los deseos de ser padre, el carpintero Geppetto decide tallar su propio hijo de madera. Antes de terminar el pequeño marioneta cobra vida y Geppetto decide llamarlo Pinocho. Pinocho suele ser un niño travesío y bastante desobediente, y pronto se afronta por primera vez, un mundo lleno de vicios y mentiras. Dilemas morales, perdidas económicas y un fuerte rechazo social...
Der Daumen des Ingenieurs (The Engineer's Thumb) erschien erstmals im März 1892 im Strand Magazine und wurde im Oktober desselben Jahres mit 11 anderen Fällen in Die Abenteuer des Sherlock Holmes veröffentlicht. Handlungszeitpunkt: Sommer 1889: In Dr. Watsons Praxis erscheint sehr früh am Morgen der knapp 25jährige Hydraulik-Ingenieur Victor Hatherley, der in der Nacht einen Daumen verloren hat. Da er von einem Mordanschlag spricht, schaltet...
The Lair of the White Worm (also known as The Garden of Evil) is a horror novel by Irish author Bram Stoker, who also wrote Dracula. It is partly based on the legend of the Lambton Worm. The book was published in 1911 by Rider and Son in the UK, the year before Stokers death, with color illustrations by Pamela Colman Smith. In 1925, it was republished in a highly abridged and rewritten form. Over a hundred pages were removed, the rewritten book having...
Original: The Red-Headed League oder The Adventure of the Red-headed League ist eine Sherlock-Holmes-Kurzgeschichte von Sir Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, die erstmals im August 1891 im Strand Magazine erschien und von Sidney Paget illustriert wurde. Die Geschichte wurde im Oktober 1892 in den Sammelband The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (dt. Die Abenteuer des Sherlock Holmes) aufgenommen. Deutsche Übersetzungen wurden unter verschiedenen Titeln wie beispielsweise...
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"The Call of Cthulhu" is a seminal horror short story by H.P. Lovecraft, first published in 1928 in the pulp magazine Weird Tales. The story is structured as a series of interconnected narratives and documents that reveal the existence of an ancient, malevolent entity known as Cthulhu.
The plot follows Francis Wayland Thurston, a researcher who uncovers disturbing evidence about a cult that worships Cthulhu, a monstrous, god-like being that lies...
Criminals beware—there is no eluding the extraordinary mind of Father Brown
Dr. Orion Hood is one of the eminent thinkers of his day, a psychologist whose expert opinion on human nature is sometimes sought by the police. Usually, he is called on to solve only the most spectacular crimes—a nobleman murdered, a diplomat poisoned—but today a more ordinary problem presents itself. An amiable little priest named Father Brown...
Dr. Orion Hood is one of the eminent thinkers of his day, a psychologist whose expert opinion on human nature is sometimes sought by the police. Usually, he is called on to solve only the most spectacular crimes—a nobleman murdered, a diplomat poisoned—but today a more ordinary problem presents itself. An amiable little priest named Father Brown...
Im April 1883 erhalten Holmes und Watson, die sich zu jener Zeit noch die Wohnung in der 221B Baker Street teilen, Besuch einer aufgeregten Frau. Die 32-jährige Helen Stoner berichtet Sherlock Holmes von ihrer Zwillingsschwester Julia, die vor zwei Jahren - kurz vor ihrer geplanten Hochzeit mit einem Marineoffizier - im Familienanwesen in Stoke Moran in einer stürmischen Nacht auf mysteriöse Weise starb. Kaum hatte sie Helen von einem merkwürdigen...
"The Adventure of the Cardboard Box" is one of the 56 short Sherlock Holmes stories written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. It is the second of the twelve Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes in most British editions of the canon, and the second of the eight stories from His Last Bow in most American versions. The story was first published in The Strand Magazine in 1893.
Miss Susan Cushing of Croydon receives a parcel in the post that contains two severed human...
Ein Skandal in Böhmen (Originaltitel: A Scandal in Bohemia) ist eine Erzählung des britischen Schriftstellers Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, die erstmals im Juli 1891 im Strand Magazine erschien. Es handelt sich hierbei um die erste Erzählung, die Doyle mit den Figuren Sherlock Holmes und Dr. Watson schrieb. 1887 und 1890 hatten die beiden Romane Eine Studie in Scharlachrot und Das Zeichen der Vier das Fundament für den Hauptkanon der Sherlock-Holmes-Erzählungen...
"The Adventure of the Red Circle" is one of the 56 Sherlock Holmes short stories written by Arthur Conan Doyle. It is included in the anthology “His Last Bow”.
Mrs. Warren, a landlady, comes to 221B Baker Street with some questions about her lodger. A youngish, heavily bearded man, who spoke good but accented English who came to her and offered double her usual rent on the condition that he get the room on his own terms. He went out the first...
"The Adventure of the Bruce-Partington Plans" is one of the 56 Sherlock Holmes short stories written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. It is one of eight stories in the cycle collected as “His Last Bow” and is the second and final appearance of Mycroft Holmes. Doyle ranked "The Adventure of the Bruce-Partington Plans" fourteenth in a list of his nineteen favourite Sherlock Holmes stories.
The monotony of thick smog-shrouded London is broken by a sudden...
"The Adventure of Wisteria Lodge" is one of the fifty-six Sherlock Holmes short stories written by Arthur Conan Doyle. One of eight stories in the volume His Last Bow, it is a lengthy, two-part story consisting of "The Singular Experience of Mr. John Scott Eccles" and "The Tiger of San Pedro", which on original publication in The Strand bore the collective title of "A Reminiscence of Mr. Sherlock Holmes".
Holmes is visited by a perturbed proper English...
18) A letter to Amy
Peter wants to invite Amy to his birthday party but he wants it to be a surprise.
20) Rinkitink in Oz
When all the inhabitants of Pingaree are kidnapped by the mongrel hordes of twin island kingdoms, Prince Inga and his friend King Rinkitink decide to go to the rescue.
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