Catalog Search Results
1) HIgh Sierra
Marking the moment when the gritty gangster sagas of the 1930s began giving way to the romantic fatalism of 1940s film noir, High Sierra also contains the star-making performance of Humphrey Bogart, who, alongside top-billed Ida Lupino, proved his leading-man mettle with his tough yet tender turn as Roy Earle. A career criminal plagued by his checkered past, Earle longs for a simpler life, but after getting sprung on parole, he falls in with a band...
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas in the High Sierras. But Smoke Jensen and his children, Louis and Denise, won't let a little snow stop them from heading to Reno for the holidays. There are two ways for them to get there: the long way, going around the Sierra Nevada Mountains, or the short way, going right through them. Smoke decides to take a gamble. They'll follow the trail that, decades earlier, brought the legendary Donner Party to...
Machen Sie sich von Grund auf mit dem Apple-Betriebssystem vertraut und lernen Sie mit den eingebauten Tools und Anwendungen effektiv zu arbeiten.
Lernen Sie das Apple-Betriebssystem macOS Sierra bzw. macOS High Sierra von Grund auf kennen und sehen Sie, wie Sie optimal mit den eingebauten Tools und Anwendungen arbeiten. Anton Ochsenkühn zeigt Ihnen in diesem Video-Training zunächst, wie Sie sich als Mac-Neuling in diesem Betriebssystem zurechtfinden....
Head off into High Sierra with confidence!
Looking for a high-quality, in-depth guide to High Sierra? Look no further than Take Control of High Sierra by former Macworld editor Scholle McFarland! An expanded version of Scholle's popular Crash Course on macOS (previously for Sierra and El Capitan), Take Control of High Sierra covers all the changes Apple has made in High Sierra, and how best to adapt them to your own needs.
Aprende a gestionar y dar asistencia a los equipos Apple con el sistema operativo macOS High Sierra. El software de Apple es muy consistente, pero también necesita soporte.
Aunque los sistemas con macOS son robustos y fiables, no están exentos de un mantenimiento regular que permita el trabajo eficiente por parte del usuario. Para el departamento de IT es fundamental conocer a fondo cómo funciona el sistema operativo, así como saber qué tareas...
Descubre cómo realizar una adecuada gestión remota de los equipos con sistema operativo macOS High Sierra y da un buen servicio de soporte IT a tu compañía y a tus clientes.
La gestión remota de los equipos por parte de los administradores es una tarea fundamental e imprescindible para un profesional de IT. Una de sus mayores ventajas es el soporte deslocalizado del equipo sin necesidad de desplazar un técnico in situ, con el consiguiente ahorro...
Trace Riley has been the self-appointed guardian of the trail ever since his own wagon was attacked. When he finds the ruins of a wagon train, he offers shelter to survivor Deborah Harkness and the children she saved. Trace and Deborah grow close working to bring justice to the trail, but what will happen when the attackers return to silence the only witness?
Newly reunited with his daughter and nephew, Cameron Scott wonders if they will ever love him again. When he's hurt protecting them, he finds himself under the care of the stubborn but beautiful Gwen Harkness—and he sees why the kids love her so. As she helps him win back their hearts, he finds himself wanting to win hers as well.
City dweller John McCall never expected to find himself in the High Sierras on a wild-goose chase to find a missing child—and the presence of the strangely attractive wildcat woods-woman Penny Scott only confuses him. When he and Penny are kidnapped out of the blue by a dangerous man, they must find a way to escape before the worst happens.
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