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"Set in a world where summers span decades and winters can last a lifetime. From the scheming south and the savage eastern lands, to the frozen north and ancient Wall that protects the realm from the mysterious darkness beyond, the powerful families of the Seven Kingdoms are locked in a battle for the Iron Throne. This is a story of duplicity and treachery, nobility and honor, conquest, and triumph. In the Game of Thrones, you either win or you die."...
"Doscientos año después de la Conquista, la dinastía Targaryen vive su apogeo. Los Siete Reinos de Poniente atraviesan un momento de relativa paz en los últimos años del reinado del buen rey Daeron. Es con este escenario como telón de fondo que Dunk, un muchacho pobre del Lecho de Pulgas, tiene una oportunidad única: dejar su vida miserable y convertirse en el escudero de un auténtico caballero. Pronto, el caballero muere y Dunk decide tomar...
After the shocking developments at the end of season 5 -- including Jon Snow's bloody fate at the hands of Castle Black mutineers, Daenerys' near-demise at the fighting pits of Meereen, and Cersei's public humiliation in the streets of King's Landing -- survivors from all parts of Westeros and Essos regroup to press forward, inexorably, towards their uncertain individual fates. Familiar faces will forge new alliances to bolster their strategic chances...
Kings from across the continent of Westeros vie for the Iron Throne. As winter approaches, the cruel young Joffrey sits upon the Throne in King's Landing, counseled by his conniving mother Cersei and his uncle Tyrion, who has been appointed the new Hand of the King. But the Lannister hold on power is under assault on many fronts, with two Baratheons donning crowns, and Robb Stark fighting as the King in the North.
"This season begins with a power vacuum that protagonists across Westeros and Essos look to fill. At Castle Black, Jon Snow struggles to balance the demands of the Night's Watch with those of the newly-arrived Stannis Baratheon, who styles himself as the rightful king of Westeros. Meanwhile, Cersei scrambles to hold on to power in King's Landing amidst the Tyrells and the rise of a religious group led by the enigmatic High Sparrow, while Jamie embarks...
The Lannisters barely hold on to the throne after a savage naval onslaught from Stannis Baratheon, while stirrings in the north threaten to alter the overall balance of power. Robb Stark, King in the North, faces major calamity in his efforts to build on his victories over the Lannisters while beyond the Wall, Mance Rayder and his huge army of wildlings continue their inexorable march south. Across the Narrow Sea, Daenerys Targaryen--reunited with...
"With the Army of the Dead--led by the Night King, his White Walkers and an undead dragon--bearing down on Jon and Dany and their combined forces, a denouement eight seasons in the making will be reached, answering a myriad of questions surrounding the fate of the series' protagonists. Meanwhile, Jon's true identity promises to undermine Dany's claim to the Iron Throne...and, or course, Cersei has a devious strategy of her own."--Container.
"Arrasados por la guerra, los Siete Reinos pronto sufrirán un larguísimo invierno que se predice excepcionalmente crudo. Mientras la violencia y el clima empeoran, los personajes entrañables e infames que ya conocemos continúan debatiéndose entre feroces batallas y perversas intrigas palaciegas: Joffrey, el cruel rey adolescente, sigue haciendo de las suyas ante el azoro de los propios miembros de su clan, los Lannister; Robb Stark, rey de Invernalia,...
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